Let’s be real for a minute: there are a lot of skilled painters out there, but there’s a lot more to a successful paint job than just skill. You need a painter you feel comfortable with, trust, and know has your best interests in mind. Friendly painters who love what they do, and it shows!
We built an incredible team. Investing in our people is important to us! Their experience and genuine engagement in their work creates a happy experience for you.
We offer a 5-star experience. Being top-rated on Google is a big deal. If you haven’t yet, go check out what our actual customers have to say, and how many give a shout-out to our painters by name.
We build relationships with our clients. It’s a service built on trust, and that trust very often turns into a long-term relationship.
#1 Painting Contractor in Rhode Island according to Google Reviews - 400+ reviews with a 4.9 rating
We value living and working in a small community and try to do our part to contribute its growth and well-being. Finding win-win relationships and giving back to the community that supports us is something that makes us just feel good.